Yes, plural. There are a number of different things relating to the camp that various people need to keep track of, hence the use of several calendars all combined for your viewing ease/pleasure.
Camp Sessions let you see how the sessions lay across the calendar, which is different than the Schedule page that arranges the sessions primarily by age/grade.
Kitchen Helpers should help churches remember when they're scheduled to send volunteers to assist in the kitchen. Miss Karla has asked that the volunteers be at the camp by 9am and be able to stay through 2pm. It's a fun and VALUABLE service to our camp!
Camp-related activities show the monthly Men's meetings, the Directors meetings, and any other gatherings/events associated with the camp.
These calendars are constantly updated with changes (as soon as I'm made aware of them!) so as to provide an accurate AND timely reminder of PSCSC stuff. Make use of the page and let me know of any improvements you'd like to see implemented.