This article is hopefully the first in a series profiling campers from Prairie States, how the camp influenced their life, and what they enjoyed most about being here:
Amanda Mussleman of Watseka will be a seasoned veteran camper this year--her seventh year at Prairie States Christian Service Camp.
She attends both sessions for high school age campers, deaned by Paul Dyke and Dustin Wells.
She says she was "kind of timid" as a youngster so she didn't start attending until sixth grade. She heard about it from friends, and also when her brother, Ryan, attended.
Because of her camp experience Amanda plans to attend Ozark Christian College in Joplin, Mo. Many of the camp counselors are from Ozark. Amanda wants to study psychology and missions.
What's the best part of being at camp?
"It's a break from technology, from Watseka. It's not that far away but you don't see your usual people every day," she says. It's also a place where you can share your most difficult problems in a safe environment. And you can catch up with your friends from past years.
She really enjoys the messages and being in the family groups.
"You get different perspectives on the lessons being taught. An over-all theme for the week is announced the first night and every night the leaders break it down and help you understand it better."
What's the best part of the day? Not just swimming in the pool and playing the many games, tennis, basketball and miniature golf.
"I really like campfire. You get to hear the adult staff. They tell you the things they've gone through to get closer to God. They've been through a lot of struggles some of them," Amanda says.
The lessons and experiences are all related to Bible truths.
"Bibles are in the chapel. We get to study the Bible a lot. I'm more open to reading it now. When I was younger it was always kind of is useful because the Bible verses come to mind when in a situation that applies," she says. Amanda is one of hundreds of kids who have found fun, and more importantly, been taught the gospel at PSCSC.
Jo McCord contributed to this article.