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A two page form that includes contact numbers and medical release agreements. This form must be filled out in full before enrollment in any camping session can occur. You may print it out here, fill it out, and bring it with you (or mail it in with at least 50% of the cost) to speed the registration process on the day your camping session starts. Camp session costs are listed on the Schedule page.
Ambiguity (not knowing clearly the boundaries and/or expectations) often leads to missteps in behavior. The rules are set to define such boundaries and expectations. On the Registration Form, the very first signature is a solemn affirmation that both the parent/guardian AND camper have read these rules and accept the camp's expectations of the camper as well as whatever discipline results from the camper's disobedience.
While it seems silly to attend a diving camp without goggles, or a baseball camp without a glove, you'd be surprised how many kids attend a Christian camp without a Bible! Also, as unnecessary and/or inappropriate as bringing a firearm to a baby-sitting camp, some things that have been brought to a Christian camp are completely contrary to the moral tone the camping experience is trying to set. Without wanting to insult anyone's intelligence, we present some basic guidelines in preparing for a week at Prairie States.
It's that extra cost of camp that sometimes is hard to figure! In this sheet we've tried to demystify the needs and allow you to closely estimate how much to be added for this extra experience that nearly everyone looks forward to. Also talked about is money set aside for camp shirts and a designated portion to be given as an offering to the missionaries being sponsored by that week of camp.